Wednesday, September 26, 2012

#10. Life of a Writer. No time to waste.

An interesting report, positive, from reader for my agent on my mystery, "Two Left Feet." The report points out strengths and also what might benefit from revision. longer is there time to waste as the writer (yours truly) sinks her teeth into revising.

Some remarks lead to obvious solutions. An error can be corrected by doing a bit of research. Others require a lot of time and thought. How does one take someone's POV (point of view) out of a story/novel and yet have them visible and known through the eyes of others? Well, that's precisely it...through the eyes of others. Not so easy really. Thoughts can't be conveyed through others most of the time, unless there is something obvious occurring that suggests them.

At any rate, that is today's challenge. Likely next week's and next month's also. I will keep on working on it and possibly (probably) report back in further posts.

Luciana Ricciutelli (R), editor at Inanna, with two of her authors. Zoe Roy(L) and Mary Lou Dickinson (middle) at WOTS, Sept. 2012
Did I say there is no time to waste not only because this revision takes up a great deal of time, but also because I have a finite life span. At an advanced age already, getting things out there now may lead to publication while I am still alive to enjoy that.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

#9. Life of a Writer. How to Waste Time.

If I ever wondered about something I am good at, now I have found that talent. I can waste time like no one else on this planet. Maybe it is a characteristic of writers. Or maybe it is when I am incubating ideas. This morning I went to No Frills to buy unsalted butter that was on sale. It was an extra trip since they were out of it when I arrived yesterday. After coming home and putting the butter in the refrigerator, I decided it was such a beautiful day that I must be outside. So I walked over to Avenue Road (Toronto) to see an exhibition of paintings at the Ingram Gallery. When I came home, I did a load of laundry and had lunch. Soon I will leave for the Bloor Cinema to see the 9th film of 10 at TIFF. (Artifact) .

The reality is that between my activities of this past week, including some wonderful films (Amour, Quartet, The Gatekeepers, etc.), I have done a lot of writing. I never really know when I am wasting time and when what I do is productive. It may be necessary to my ongoing existence. But it may also be a way of easing into what I intend to do on a manuscript.

What I am working on now is a memoir. The title: Restless. That captures the life of someone who wastes time as well as all the other examples of restlessness in my life. I think. In any case, I am going to have a section critiqued by my colleagues at my writing group, Moosemeat, in ten days or so. So I have been looking for an extract that seems to be ready for their close inspection. And every time I sit down at the computer, I do something to prepare the excerpt I will send out a week before this critique.

View from my window this evening.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Creative Risk with a Blank Book. 1990.

Blank Book

Yet another blank book. Who gave it to me this time? To draw? To write? That is the question. To take creative risks. My greatest risk may be to open this book and mar a blank page, to change the pristine quality of it. I can do as I please. Sky can appear overhead, visions of old women rocking in nursing homes, drooling over teddy bears. Anything at all. The flashing numbers of trades on the stock exchange I watched from the broker’s floor. The scallops I ate for dinner afterwards. All of it part of the flow of one life that I cannot seem to capture in a character or form to share with others. Today I do not mind. I have filled a page!
Some books are never published.
Some books should never have been published.
It’s odd to think of inhabiting a womb. The one I inhabited had four occupants. One was born dead…

Dear Mikail Gorbachev,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35
                        36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Lithuania may be the downfall.
Or will you get a Nobel peace prize?
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
Nelson Mandela will soon be released
67 68 69 70. He is 71 now and has been
in prison in South Africa for 25 years.
Winnie has waited. 72 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 My mother is
83. She is paralyzed on one side after a
stroke. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90. It’s odd
to think my sister and I shared a womb.
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Yours truly,
p.s. Blank books may turn out to be dangerous.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labour Day. Toronto Island Escape. .

 Perhaps my last trip to the island now that September has come and summer is over. Or not. Although it felt as if it likely was the last trip for many folks on the ferry. School starts tomorrow. Harbinger of another season as is the fact that daylight gets shorter by a few minutes each day. I won't miss the humid heat, but even so I enjoyed the summer this year. There was so much to explore in the area of the city where I now live. Gradually I am doing so and feeling more at home each passing day.

On the island, I continued reading a thick book on Africa (The Fate of Africa) for a course in the fall. Although had I discovered this book myself, I would have read it anyway. Well written and very informative. I also found a bench in shade on Algonquin Island where I could see bits of the air show taking place at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) today. And walked a bit.

So, fall is in the air and as well as continuing to write on various writing projects, short stories, the memoir, I will pick up my TI|FF tickets this week and go to my first of 10 films on Thursday.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mysterious Woman.

Who is the mysterious woman? Writing a memoir, I examine this woman's eyes. Her expression. She is sad, I think. At the very least, thoughtful. Or?

I wonder about her mood as she is me. Me in the 1970s. So long ago, but part of the thread that runs through my life till now. Telling stories of that decade when I was a young wife and mother and then a young single mother soon to be divorced.

Those were difficult, but good years. So perhaps thoughtful.