Heading home from Saskatoon. Sitting in the airport pondering the last few days when I attended the Writers Union AGM in Winnipeg and read at McNally Robinson Books in bothWinnipeg (with Pam Galloway) and Saskatoon (with Joan Spencer Olsen). A very full and satisfying time when I also saw family and friends. There were many highlights including hearing my friend, Dianne, deliver an inspiring homily on non violence and peace. She used the example of Jesus being labelled as having 'lost his mind' when he preached unusual views difficult for many to accept. And in this context revealed that any violent, militaristic approach left her deeply troubled as well as angry and that she would not conduct any future services that honoured these symbols. Another highlight...a cruise on the river that divides Saskatoon (the bridges join it) on what turned out to be the first event for Gay Pride in Saskatoon. Such a joyful event when we were welcomed when we turned up to find the cruise we were hoping to take had been reserved by Gay Pride for the opening event of Pride week there. Not part of the group, we enjoyed the welcome invite that eventually was extended to us to join the trip and once aboard, were also invited to share food. As well as some conversation with the party-goers, we enjoyed the views and highlights of Saskatoon.
In Winnipeg I was able to visit my brother's grave. This was a journey I wanted to take. As well as to visit all his family who live in the area. Lovely that most were also able to come out to my reading there, as did my friend in Saskatoon.