Saturday, September 3, 2011

Countdown Continues. Reflections.

36 days on crutches, viewing the world from my front porch. 6 days now till the  'skewer' in my toe is removed. This existence has been surreal, but a time for friendship, reflection and a lot of reading and writing. I thought the time would drag, but this last part has gone quickly. I don't expect miracles, but I will be glad to be able to have a shower without saran wrap and a big plastic bag over my foot. I will be glad to be able to manoeuvre the stairs to the basement and do my own laundry. It will take time to walk distances and to start dancing again, but I will at least be able to put weight on the front of my right foot soon. And give the heel a rest from taking all the weight on that foot. And that day when the 'skewer' is removed will be a huge milestone even if I can't walk and dance and take the TTC for a while.

I don't suppose I'll really understand fully the value of this time until it is over. But I do know I am far more aware of the generosity of family and friends and that I have a caring community that surrounds me. This is so even though many of them live at a distance. I am grateful. And also for the time to reflect and do some serious writing and revision. And to understand my life as a writer better. If I hadn't had that work to do, I suspect the time might have dragged more.

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