Monday, August 13, 2012

Food for thought. On writing a memoir

My intentions are to blog about once a week and I am not meeting that commitment. The time just slips away as I enjoy summer, look for one thing or another for my new home and struggle with a manuscript. Occasionally I take photos of pieces of furniture, but also of unusual sights. Although it isn't unusual to see a dog on the subway, yesterday was the first time I saw one so comfortably ensconced that I didn't notice it (him/her) at first. An excuse at least to blog and share the photo. And to talk about what I am writing. Figuring that my process is probably not so different from that of other writers. It likely isn't the least bit unusual that I go out and do various errands and come back with renewed energy, sometimes ideas. And when I do, am grateful it seems often to work that way.

The memoir mentioned in previous posts is what I am working on now. The first few chapters have been difficult as I attempt to capture my early years in a northern Quebec mining camp and some family history. Later on in the story, the words and images come more easily. But it is those early years that formed so much of my later journey. And as I realize what an urban creature I have become, I know nonetheless that the geography and camaraderie of that long ago childhood are never very far away from me.

What a treat it was to go north even a little way this summer and see the rocks on the sides of the highway as we approached a rustic retreat called the shack that my children visit every summer for part of their holiday. The rocks remind me of the further north I lived in for all the years I was growing up and inspire me to go on writing about that. Although now I have moved onto further chapters...that is the crucible in which my worldview was formed. I suppose everyone who attempts to write a memoir has to confront how both the inspiring and difficult moments of childhood impinge on us throughout our lives.


  1. Your comment about the rocks on the side of the highway struck a chord with me. That's the one picture I wanted to get the entire time I was in Nova Scotia this past week because it's one of my most vivid memories of my childhood. Unfortunately I didn't get the shot. Maybe next time. But it's so interesting what memories make up our pasts.

    1. Is, these are actual lines from what I am writing. I imagine they will resonate with you! ML p.s. Until recently, I didn't know you grew up in Nova Scotia.

      "Rocks are integral to my existence and a friend suggests I might need the energy of my early years, that perhaps I should go back and collect some rocks to bring home to my house in Toronto. I never do so, although I still might one day. In the meantime, I have pebbles and small rocks I’ve collected from many other places. In flowerpots, on shelves and tables. I have them embedded in my psyche also. When I try to write about the horse, the opening sentence has to do with rocks.

      There were rocks at the end of the garden.

      When I return to the north for a visit in the mid-1980s, I am overwhelmed by how important is the geography of one's childhood. I know that this geography around Bourlamaque* appeals to very few who seek natural beauty, but it is so much a part of me that sometimes I am not sure where my body ends and the geological formations of that long ago childhood take over."
