Every two weeks, the writers of the Moosemeat Writing Group meet to critique each others work. It is a productive group with a structure that allows everyone a turn to comment followed by a free for all and finally for the writer being critiqued to respond. Often just to say thank you for the feedback. It is never easy for the writer in question, as the critiques are wide ranging and thorough. However, it is always the prerogative of the writer in question to decide what to use in further revisions. Some suggestions are helpful, others get rejected. In my experience, the work improves as I consider what has been suggested. Early on in my experience of this kind of critique, two stories of mine were published. So I have continued, and continue, to value the feedback of the group and the interaction there. Also when I am not subjecting my own work to this scrutiny, participating to offer constructive feedback to other writers continues to sharpen my eye and motivates me to come back to the solitary work of writing.
All of this commentary on the group is prelude to saying our annual chapbook launch of this year's flash fiction occurred last night in Toronto at the Arts and Letters Club. There wasn't a dull moment as Isabel Matwawana and Jerry Schaefer co hosted with good humour and creativity the readings of thirteen of our members. Lots of laughter, lots of applause! And a performance of a song sung by Isabel with Jerry on guitar was a lovely surprise addition to the evening. Needless to say, there was also lively conversation during the intermission.
The weather was quite threatening, as it has been often this summer and was last year for our launch as well. It didn't daunt our spirits and everyone turned out accompanied as well by friends and relatives.
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