Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Life of a Writer. #2. A Week of Avoidance.

Sometimes avoidance is necessary. Or is that just another excuse? No, there are too many events this week that nourish my mind and spirit. And after three months on crutches (another excuse?) when I read and wrote much more than usual, I need that nourishment. Or I need some level of change. So on Monday evening I went to the Toronto Dollar Supper Club to hear David Crombie speak. What a treat to hear a talk on cities within the context of ideas and vision. There is such a lack of that at the municipal level  in Toronto (not to speak of other levels of government) these days. My mind was challenged again to think of what can happen in positive ways as the democratic process leaves room for ideas to thrive. And for people to make their voices heard. Yes, such an evening (when my friend, Joy Kogawa, was also honoured for her work around the Toronto Dollar) helps replenish the spirit.

Tuesday: A friend took me out to dinner at Zucca's where we both ordered black cod with an olive crust. After admiring the presentation, the meal then melted in our mouths. Ruby has done so much for me over the time of healing from foot surgery that I felt I ought to be the one treating her to dinner, but she reminded me that I'd given her my Metropass for three months and how she had been able to use it to find out if it would be useful for her. Of course, that led to some discussion of the deterioration of the TTC. Unfortunate reality as the infrastructure seems to crumble and service is about to be cut. Not to mention fare hikes. In any case, she enjoyed the flexibility of the Metropass and wanted to treat me. Thanks, Ruby.

Tonight I will go to my local library to hear a talk on Chagall given by David Wistow from the AGO. I took a course from David on the Group of Seven many years ago and know him to be a fine, informative speaker. I have seen the Chagall show at the AGO twice as well as many years ago his work at the Chagall Museum in Nice. I look forward to tonight's speech.

The week goes on. And the truth is that this week I have also been revising some stories and as well have read an unusual novel by Teju Cole, a Nigerian born author, set in New York City called Open City. I am now finishing a book of essays called Why Not?, such a literate little book, by Ray Robertson, a thoughtful Canadian writer.

After tonight, two evenings of socializing.. Open House at Dance Cafe and Christmas party of my writing group, Moosemeat. Better to avoid writing for a while than these stimulating events!!! Or better to take them in along with a bit of writing on the side. The balance will shift the other way soon enough.

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