Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Another season, fall, is over and winter will soon be with us, if it is not already. Over the fall, I went on doing readings from Would I Lie To You? and meeting people. I read in Hamilton at LitLive on October 4th and in Chatham as a guest of the TriCounty Literacy Network on October 30th. I was the guest at a book club in Toronto on November 16th where I spoke about my latest book and told stories about my experiences of writing over the years. Also was invited to another club in November to talk about my previous novel, Ile d'Or. There are many ways to spend time with a book club, including Skype these days. So bear in mind that distance is not a barrier.
What strikes me most at the end of a year of doing readings and telling people about my novel Would I Lie To You? is how different each experience is. There is always something unexpected even if the formats might be similar. Of course, that keeps it interesting and also means one has to remain alert. Sometimes this is disconcerting, at others exhilarating. Take the experience of meeting other authors when I share the 'podium.' That is one of the highlights of the period of promotion for a new book as is meeting people who are curious and buy the book and those who have already read it. It leads to stimulating conversation and challenging questions. As the work up till then has been solitary, this period is an opportunity to reconnect with the world in a very meaningful way.
So thank you to all who have invited me to events and who have come out to enjoy them. Aside from that pesky summer pneumonia, it has been a stellar.year. And I hope you also had one and are looking forward to another.

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