Friday, November 1, 2013

Life of a writer. 27. Contract signed!

How exciting is that! Contract signed for my third book. It will be published by Inanna Publications in the fall of 2014. Would I Lie To You? Of course not. By now, you might know this is the title of the book, one about FAMILY SECRETS.  Sue is about to lose her husband without knowing his deepest secret. It turns out she has one also that he does not learn before he dies while her discovery after that is foreshadowed by the words of a psychic... "There is someone like a son..." Words she chooses to discount and ignore until...


  1. Sounds super! Maybe we'll get to critique some bits and pieces at Moosemeat?

    1. Moosemeat already did offer some critique. At this stage any editing and critique comes during editing process with publisher from their editor!

  2. What does "27" mean in the title "Life of a Writer"? Or have I misunderstood it??
    Looking forward to reading it. Is it a novel or short story collection? Thelma Wheatley (I have difficulty using Facebook not sure what I'm doing here or if you'll ever get my message, sorry) Thelma Wheatley.

  3. Hi Thelma. I do other posts I don't number. What the 27 indicates is that under the heading, Life of a a Writer, it is the 27th post. The book that has been accepted is a novel. I am still looking forward to reading your book, the expose that I heard you launch earlier this year. ML
